Mental resilience training for business
Mental resilience training for business is an investment in reducing the costs of health care and absenteeism associated with stress-related conditions, as well as improving employee retention, satisfaction, and overall engagement.
According to the Health and Safety Executive’s report on work related stress published in 2018:
- work related stress, depression and anxiety represents a significant problem in the workforce of Great Britain
- it is the biggest cause of sickness in the UK
- over 15.4 million days are lost to stress each year – costing employers over £1.24bn
- 595,000 workers are suffering from work-related stress, depression or anxiety (new or longstanding in 2017-18)
- the highest rates of work related stress remain consistently in the health, education and public sectors of the economy
A mental resilience-driven culture can:
- help mitigate against work-related stress
- support growing demands for a flexible and adaptive workforce
- help raise the ethical level of organisations (competitive advantage)
If you think your business would benefit from mental resilience training, get in touch here.