Privacy and Data Protection Policy (Full)
To assist us in working effectively with you, First in the Queue (FITQ) keeps confidential records. These records are kept securely, are only seen by a minimum number of authorised FITQ personnel and may be used anonymously in the production of practice statistics.
The records held by FITQ are subject to the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) 2018, which gives clients the right to access personal data held about them. To safely and appropriately provide you with coaching and mentoring services, we collect personal data from you and therefore, need your written consent to collect this data.
Coaching is a confidential process and we do not reveal your personal data or the content of your sessions to a third party without your express permission. The only exceptions to this would be if you were threatening your own life or the life of another, there was a safeguarding issue, or you were involved in a crime that falls outside of coaching confidentiality boundaries. In these cases, we may decide to contact emergency services or relevant authorities without your permission.
This privacy policy explains what information we collect, how we use it, where we keep it, how long we keep it for and the procedures that we have in place to safeguard your privacy.
Information we collect
When you are referred to our service, we collect the following personal details in order to provide you with a tailor-made service:
- Gender (or preferred identity)
- Age
- Date of Birth
- Address
- Telephone/SMS number (plus permission to send SMS & leave voice message).
- Email address
- Occupation
- Your work history – bullet points
- Relationships & Progeny
- Medical conditions relevant to coaching
- Prescribed medication relevant to coaching
- Your personal aims for your coaching/mentoring
- Your interests and hobbies
- Session summary.
Some of the following forms may be required:
- Coaching agreement form
- Coaching Profile form (establishes a broad picture of your needs and ambitions)
- IES-R Trauma self-report measure (assesses subjective distress caused by traumatic events)
- PHQ – 9 Depression self-report measure (subjective measurement and monitoring of depression)
- GAD – 7 Anxiety self-report measure (subjective measurement and monitoring of anxiety)
- Privacy and Data Protection Policy (this document)
During your sessions, your coach will keep brief notes of each session. An email will be sent to you after each session with key bullet points relating to the session unless you decide not to have this part of our service. If you do wish to take advantage of this follow-up email service, you will also be invited to try some activities to support the last session and prepare you for the next session.
This is not ‘homework’ and is not mandatory in order to receive other coaching support, however, we have noted that those that try different approaches are more likely to find more skilful ways of living and reaching their coaching aims.
Please note that these emails will be created and sent in the knowledge that email is not a 100% secure communications medium. FITQ are unable to accept responsibility for any breaches of confidentiality that may arise using this medium.
Likewise, although these emails (including any attachments) are sent in the belief that they are free from any virus, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that they are virus-free.
How we use this information
We collect this information for the following reasons:
- To accurately identify you and confidentially process your referral through our service
- To communicate, where appropriate, with other professionals in the support of your aims
- To identify, where possible, all of the factors that may relevant to your current situation
- To monitor and measure the effectiveness of our service.
How we will store your personal information
Information will be stored in the following way:
- Paper: written notes (described below) and completed assessment forms (various – see below)
- Email/SMS/WhatsApp: your email address and correspondence will be stored in the assigned coach’s email account (currently Microsoft Outlook) by nature of you contacting them. Your telephone number may be stored in their SMS or WhatsApp app should messages be exchanged this way. Electronic correspondence will also be held by the corresponding app (Outlook, Phone\’s SMS, WhatsApp).
- Website: none of your personal information is stored on our website (if you were referred via that route), other than to momentarily collect & send it to the relevant coach’s email account for the purposes of initial contact.
Documents expected to be held
- Coaching agreement form
- Coaching Profile form
- IES-R Trauma self-report measure
- PHQ – 9 Depression self-report measure
- GAD – 7 Anxiety self-report measure
- Privacy and Data Protection Policy (this document)
We store all the above information and client notes in locked filing cabinets for a minimum of 7 years, in line with guidance from our insurers, after which point, they are shredded. Your records in our service are not classed as medical records or public records.
- Contact name & telephone
- Email/SMS/WhatsApp.
(See note about insecure nature of emails above)
How we may Process/Share your Personal Information
All coaches have regular supervision to ensure that they are providing the best standards of care for you and you are identified in supervision by your first name or initials only. Supervisors may keep records of the guidance they have offered to the counsellor which would not be identifiable to you. Supervisors do not have access to your client notes.
If your health is in jeopardy (provided we have your consent) we may share your contact information with an emergency healthcare service (e.g. Mental Health Crisis Team). If your coach has become aware of your intent to cause harm to another person/organisation (e.g. terrorism), the law may require that your coach informs an authority without seeking your permission. In such a situation, the law may require that we share your personal information without your knowledge (known as whistleblowing).
Your Rights
You have the following rights…
- To be informed what information we hold (i.e. this document)
- To see the information, we hold about you (free of charge for the initial request)
- To rectify any inaccurate or incomplete personal information
- To withdraw consent to us using your personal information
- To request your personal information be erased (please see further information under Subject Access Request below)
Subject Access Request
Should you wish to access your data, or have it destroyed before 7 years have elapsed you may submit your request in writing to your coach. Each application will be considered on an individual basis and any decision to provide access to or destroy your personal data will be reached only after consultation with our insurers and professional bodies. Please be advised that our coaches will not provide a court report or present as a witness on your behalf at any court case relating to any coaching alliance.
A printed copy of this statement will be given to you when you first meet with your coach. If both parties wish to continue working together, both will sign the printed copy of this statement to indicate joint agreement.